Hi everyone, I am back in blogging again.. ;> April is a good month to go Baby Shower.. Have been attending baby shower since the starts of this month, I have attended 3 baby showers, and this coming sunday would be the 4th one to attend. Haha..
Last Wednesday I went to attend a seminar organised by Success Resources on some tactic on finanaicla freedom. And from there I gain back some knowledge on financial, even though I am in this industry, however there still lots of things to be learned from those successful people.
The 1st things, I understand from the speaker (who is the CEO of the success resources, and his mentor is Mr Robert Kiyosaki). There are basicially 3 different classes of people,
1> Poor, are those people who totally doesnt have any clue on Money, who cant wait to get rid of their money the moment when they got their salary. Worst is that they live on Credits. Spend more than what they earn.
2> Middle Class, are those people with little knowledge on Money, and usually their liabilities are more than their assets.
3> Rich, are those people who can let their money work hard for them, and usually their assets are more than their liabilities. And they have more money left behind after minus off their expenses.
And the next things, I understand are
1> The differences between Poor and Broke. Do anyone of you understand what are the different? And which one is more worst?
The speaker mention about this, and he say Broke is just temporary and Poor is forever. Actually what he really meant was that Broke just means that you doesnt have money now, but you never lost hope in doing the things you want to do. On the other hand, Poor is not only dont have the money, but also think that no matter how hard you try, the things doesnt work out. So you choose to stay at what you are doing without doing new things.
2> Do you all know what is the difference between rich and wealthy then? Which one do you wanna be? As for me, I want to be Rich and Wealthy at the same time. ;>
The main difference between these 2 actually are very simple, Rich is just having the money but doesnt have the time to spend. Today I can win a lottery and become Rich over night. But doesnt mean that I can keep the money if I do not have the right financial education. Meanwhile, Wealthy means not only be rich but also have the luxury of time to do whatever things you wanna do and you have the ability to keep the money by your side cos you have the right financial education.
Hopefully, after reading this entry, you guys will be able to understand the theory behing it and be a Rich and Wealthy Person by having the right financial education. ;>
April 27, 2012
April 22, 2012
Updates Updates..
Since Feb till now, I have never blog for 2 months? Hopefully those readers of my blog wont be bored to death without my new Entry. Been quite inactive in this blog, however in another blog of mine Your LIFE STORY EXPERT are still up to date. This blog of mine are to share information and some general kowlegde of Insurance and Medical terms.

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