Haix... is it true that pretty girls normally get good treatment?? i recently really gotta agree with it wor.. If you are pretty... ppl will dun mind drive you home... treat you eat... whatever things you want they will definately give you... wow is really so unfair wor... This remind me of the older times... ppl used to call me ugly pig.. and also "Chio Bu".. but hence of cos i kwn wat they meant... just like as if you are not pretty is a big crime wor... but i do agree that ppl dun really born to be pretty.. but can use comestic to play ome magic to it... and plus dressin play an important part... frankly speakin.. i do need to thank my frenz as they somehow teach me how to really dress up.. and plus in this line i also gotta dress up in order to meet and interact with ppl...
haha... enough of my stuff le... now talk about what happen recently... went out with Lijun yesterdae... as it was her birthday on the 30th Oct... so went out with her to pass her the present lo.. Frm Perlini la.. is a Bracelet with a Crown on it.. kinda nice la.. my taste nt that bad sometime... Beside, get to meet up with Lester too... but only for a while la.. as he is the HIT N RUn driver... lolx... just to see whether LiJun is pretty ant... so realistic... [in fact guys are all the same ba !!!] Hope my Dear isnt jealous ba that day [he was there too]... i do kwn that my Dear Dear isnt that petty ba... and be rest assured la... My Dear is already very perfect for me le... Although he is not rich.. he is not tall.. he is not handsome...apart from this the rest he is okay la.. haha... At least he very Teng me.. he will give me whatever he have to me... [but hope this will last forever la..] as you kwn relation will tend to change after too long duration of being together!!! hehe...

ABove de Pics is using my Dear phone to take de...Nice Ant??Okay la.. Pals i am going to end here le... next time then update again.. Hope that wont be too long la.. Year cuming le.. i going to rush for my production le... haha... not very far from it... Xuanny Go for it.. Cheers...