Today is already the mid of Nov, and 2 more months is going to be my ROM date. Sound funny, actually i am not very excited towards it. The kind of tension is really getting very strong between me and my Hubby.
To add the salt into it, is my parents, keep asking money from me.. Why is everyone asking $$$ in my family?? Does my exist only because of $$$?? Then in that case, what for i am in this world?? Doesn't Family should show care and concern on each other? Didnt they even care about my Wedding Next year?? No, they didnt even bother or even asked on how's the preparation of our wedding??
Because of Money issue, we had a dispute... i understand that Hubby is stress with the work and our wedding next year, but isnt me stress with it too?? I feel so useless in the sense, i couldnt help much in the saving as my parents are addicted to gamble, and they spend every single cents in it... Didnt they spare a thought of themselves, how much money do i have for them?? And do they want me to stay single forever and gave them every single cents for gamble in 4D? How on god can help me?? If died can solved every single problems then i am willing to do that... So that my insurance compensation can give them to spend on their 4D and TOTO... Will they make them more Happy??
November 17, 2009
November 02, 2009
Chapter Nov 2009
Wow today is 2nd Nov, there will be another 2 months more to my ROM.. Getting kinda excited and worried.. The feeling is kind of so messy... Is it normal or abnormal? I also not very sure of it..
Kind of missed the SingleHood of me, where you need not to be reponsible to whoever and commit to whoever.. But the funny part is that when you are single, you might wished to have somebody to be by your side and take care of you.. Haha...
Of cause, i am not saying My Dear not good.. but somehow seems like is he too good for me.. I didnt do anything to make him Happy before... Always make him Angry... Sometime i really feel bad to him.. And i wanna treasure the every moment with him... Sound so touching?? Haha..
We tend to see different people in our each passing day.. Some are meant to stay permanently and adds Bright Colours to your Life Story, Some are meant to be temporaily and adds Dark Colours to your Life Story, Some are meant to know but not meant to be together... Each of us have different Roles to Act in our Daily Lives.. Agreed?
Last Gathering with my Secondary Friends indeed is a Enjoying one despite some Conversation cannnot be talked with the presence of my Hubby... Truly very Happy that we can meet again, and hope 10 yrs or 20 yrs dwn the road we still can be like this.. Haha...
Kind of missed the SingleHood of me, where you need not to be reponsible to whoever and commit to whoever.. But the funny part is that when you are single, you might wished to have somebody to be by your side and take care of you.. Haha...
Of cause, i am not saying My Dear not good.. but somehow seems like is he too good for me.. I didnt do anything to make him Happy before... Always make him Angry... Sometime i really feel bad to him.. And i wanna treasure the every moment with him... Sound so touching?? Haha..
We tend to see different people in our each passing day.. Some are meant to stay permanently and adds Bright Colours to your Life Story, Some are meant to be temporaily and adds Dark Colours to your Life Story, Some are meant to know but not meant to be together... Each of us have different Roles to Act in our Daily Lives.. Agreed?
Last Gathering with my Secondary Friends indeed is a Enjoying one despite some Conversation cannnot be talked with the presence of my Hubby... Truly very Happy that we can meet again, and hope 10 yrs or 20 yrs dwn the road we still can be like this.. Haha...
September 21, 2009
Chapter Sep 2009
The Wedding Date is getting nearer and nearer, however, i feel that the excitment is not there. Instead is stress being filled between both of us? Does this happen to every couple? Or it is because we didnt have much saving that caused the problems? Or it is becuase my expectation on the wedding too high? I believe you gals agreed with me, that Wedding is once a life time (unless in the future i got divorce, then that's not counted) haha...
Recently, my Hubby dont know what happen, he didnt really give me a Dam anymore... Haix.. Is it becuase when a relationship steps into the 2nd or 3rd year, the feeling starts to be soured or changed?? Or am i thinking too much? i understand that he is facing alot of Stress, and he think all the problems lies with him, cause he didnt have the ability to earn money to provide me a gd living.. But i think is both of our Fault, as we didnt really put in our 100% heart to work hard and strive for our future.. I hope is not too late for us now to work hard together.. Hubby, What do you think?
Anyway, i hope my Plan C or B can work out, at least if Money can solve the problem, we wont be so Headache le.. Haha... Then we will still have some Money to plan for other things too.. Right?
Recently, my Hubby dont know what happen, he didnt really give me a Dam anymore... Haix.. Is it becuase when a relationship steps into the 2nd or 3rd year, the feeling starts to be soured or changed?? Or am i thinking too much? i understand that he is facing alot of Stress, and he think all the problems lies with him, cause he didnt have the ability to earn money to provide me a gd living.. But i think is both of our Fault, as we didnt really put in our 100% heart to work hard and strive for our future.. I hope is not too late for us now to work hard together.. Hubby, What do you think?
Anyway, i hope my Plan C or B can work out, at least if Money can solve the problem, we wont be so Headache le.. Haha... Then we will still have some Money to plan for other things too.. Right?
August 30, 2009
Chapter Aug 2 2009
Dear Friends,
How's life for all of you? I am back in blogging today as i am off from work today.. Haha... Recently, i am very very addicted to the applications in the Facebook.. Cham le.. Always play game till sleep very late.. Then my Hubby is not very Happy with that.. Cause because of Game, he feel that i do not have time to Pei Him.. Sound so funny right? Normally is Girls complaint Guy play game no time to Pei them, but mine is the opposite..
This coming Month September will be a busy month for me as i have plans to work very very hard to clear whatever Goals i Have and the Amount of Income i wanna Have for this year is to have next Year gets $10 000 per month.. So i need not to worry about my Expenses, like House Loan, Car Loan, Wedding Reception etc... Anybody have others comment? I dont know whether do i need so much but just some buffer... Haha...
Recently, i read an article about the Medical Insurance dated on Last Sunday on Today, The editor wrote that With a comprehensive Hospital Shield plan, the Hospital Bill will be Covered, Hence to complment the Hospital Bill is the Critical Ilness Plan, with the coverage of $100 000 or more.
Another Article is stating that Singaporean is under Insured, however, most of them are not aware of the Coverage they need.. Based on the Article, for a person need at least $465 000 of Insurance. Is that true that people need so much coverage? Actually very easy, example, for a person earns $2500 a month, and out of the salary, his/her family expesnses, is about $1500 a month, $18 000 a year, if without taking in consider inflation, a basic calculation, using $18 000 a year, if he/she wans to let their family to have at least for 10 yrs of this amount, which means he /she must have at least of $180 000 of Death Coverage. Disclaimer: i am not here to sell you guys anything, but rather just to share on my experiences and knowledge on this.. Haha.. Hao Lian abit.. :P
Here's my blogging. hope to update you guys soon more abt the Financial Information.
How's life for all of you? I am back in blogging today as i am off from work today.. Haha... Recently, i am very very addicted to the applications in the Facebook.. Cham le.. Always play game till sleep very late.. Then my Hubby is not very Happy with that.. Cause because of Game, he feel that i do not have time to Pei Him.. Sound so funny right? Normally is Girls complaint Guy play game no time to Pei them, but mine is the opposite..
This coming Month September will be a busy month for me as i have plans to work very very hard to clear whatever Goals i Have and the Amount of Income i wanna Have for this year is to have next Year gets $10 000 per month.. So i need not to worry about my Expenses, like House Loan, Car Loan, Wedding Reception etc... Anybody have others comment? I dont know whether do i need so much but just some buffer... Haha...
Recently, i read an article about the Medical Insurance dated on Last Sunday on Today, The editor wrote that With a comprehensive Hospital Shield plan, the Hospital Bill will be Covered, Hence to complment the Hospital Bill is the Critical Ilness Plan, with the coverage of $100 000 or more.
Another Article is stating that Singaporean is under Insured, however, most of them are not aware of the Coverage they need.. Based on the Article, for a person need at least $465 000 of Insurance. Is that true that people need so much coverage? Actually very easy, example, for a person earns $2500 a month, and out of the salary, his/her family expesnses, is about $1500 a month, $18 000 a year, if without taking in consider inflation, a basic calculation, using $18 000 a year, if he/she wans to let their family to have at least for 10 yrs of this amount, which means he /she must have at least of $180 000 of Death Coverage. Disclaimer: i am not here to sell you guys anything, but rather just to share on my experiences and knowledge on this.. Haha.. Hao Lian abit.. :P
Here's my blogging. hope to update you guys soon more abt the Financial Information.
August 23, 2009
Chapter Aug 1 2009
Dear Friends,
sorry for the So Long Never update of my blogs.. Haha... Recently been quite occupied with my work therefore never really gets to update my blog... But getting busy with work is good as when ones gets occupied with stuff you wont have time to think of others thing... haha...
I am really very sorry to Sze as i didnt get to know about Jerry's death until that day when you spoke out. Anyway i know Jerry is your Best Friend and no ones could replace her.
I am really very Happy for my Friend whom recently got herself settled down with a very perfect guy.. :p Relationship sometimes can seem to be like riding a RollerCoaster.. And if you managed to survive thru the Bump. the relationship will be stronger and the bond between each other will be greater..
Recently i realise something, why people can gets to be angry of their BF or GF when he or she tend to do something wrong... is because they cared about them more than other people.. You can say that is an excuse, however it is the truth.. Ask yourself if someone whom you dont cared, will his or her mistake irritiate you so easy?? Haha..
Last Sunday, i went to temple to pay offers to my Grandmum and GrandFather... so long never gets to see my cousin, i feel sorry for my uncle as my cousin is already 26 yrs old, however, he tend to do nothing about his own future? No Saving, No Insurance and never really take care of his own health... Then every month, he still have to borrow money from my uncle.. Haiz... This makes my uncle so worried about him, although what my cousin says or do hurts him alot..
Recently for me, i lead a very busy lifestyle as after the course attended last month give me this idea.. The power of being a Nowist... Cause what i have now is only now, i do not hold the time tommorrow, and in order to have the time now is to be a Nowist.. So do not hesitate to tell those people whom you loved, I LOVE YOU as you might not know whether do you have the chance to tell them tommorrow.. Sound so Drama right? But actually this is how i FEEL.. To all my Friends, I LOVE YOU... THANKS YOU!!!
Haiyo, time really passes very fast, now is already going to be the end of 2009.. And i am getting Married Next Year, so excited and yet so sorry for my Dear Hubby..
I didn't really aware that i have input quite alot of Stress to him and this make him feel mentally and physically tired as he needed to work from Morning till Night, go Canvessing and Going appointment... Perhaps my expectation is too high or i am too demanding... But i really hope you will be as Happy as before you met me... And your life wont get changed. Actually what i hoped for is to work hard together so we can build our own future together. Do hope you understand!!!
Anyway i am still thinking whether to held any celebration for my next year ROM or i just sign my name and eats KFC... haha... Any suggestion?? do leave in the Tag Box...
sorry for the So Long Never update of my blogs.. Haha... Recently been quite occupied with my work therefore never really gets to update my blog... But getting busy with work is good as when ones gets occupied with stuff you wont have time to think of others thing... haha...
I am really very sorry to Sze as i didnt get to know about Jerry's death until that day when you spoke out. Anyway i know Jerry is your Best Friend and no ones could replace her.
I am really very Happy for my Friend whom recently got herself settled down with a very perfect guy.. :p Relationship sometimes can seem to be like riding a RollerCoaster.. And if you managed to survive thru the Bump. the relationship will be stronger and the bond between each other will be greater..
Recently i realise something, why people can gets to be angry of their BF or GF when he or she tend to do something wrong... is because they cared about them more than other people.. You can say that is an excuse, however it is the truth.. Ask yourself if someone whom you dont cared, will his or her mistake irritiate you so easy?? Haha..
Last Sunday, i went to temple to pay offers to my Grandmum and GrandFather... so long never gets to see my cousin, i feel sorry for my uncle as my cousin is already 26 yrs old, however, he tend to do nothing about his own future? No Saving, No Insurance and never really take care of his own health... Then every month, he still have to borrow money from my uncle.. Haiz... This makes my uncle so worried about him, although what my cousin says or do hurts him alot..
Recently for me, i lead a very busy lifestyle as after the course attended last month give me this idea.. The power of being a Nowist... Cause what i have now is only now, i do not hold the time tommorrow, and in order to have the time now is to be a Nowist.. So do not hesitate to tell those people whom you loved, I LOVE YOU as you might not know whether do you have the chance to tell them tommorrow.. Sound so Drama right? But actually this is how i FEEL.. To all my Friends, I LOVE YOU... THANKS YOU!!!
Haiyo, time really passes very fast, now is already going to be the end of 2009.. And i am getting Married Next Year, so excited and yet so sorry for my Dear Hubby..
I didn't really aware that i have input quite alot of Stress to him and this make him feel mentally and physically tired as he needed to work from Morning till Night, go Canvessing and Going appointment... Perhaps my expectation is too high or i am too demanding... But i really hope you will be as Happy as before you met me... And your life wont get changed. Actually what i hoped for is to work hard together so we can build our own future together. Do hope you understand!!!
Anyway i am still thinking whether to held any celebration for my next year ROM or i just sign my name and eats KFC... haha... Any suggestion?? do leave in the Tag Box...
June 21, 2009
Mid of the year 2009
Dearest Friends, I have been back in blogging again... Haha... Missed my entry?? Recently lots of things ran thru my mind, and i finally have a clearer picture of what i want...
My big day was coming soon in Next year... Although it was just a ROM... however, i am doing some research on the venue to held.. alot of things to prepare le.. Haiz...
So Jie mei meng, i might nid some of you guys help to advise wor...
Some updates about my job... currently my recruitment was quite successful and i have 2 tu di under me... haha... Both of them was doing well, however, sometime do give me some headache also.. Perhap this is the retribution ba... cos i used to do this to James too... Haha...
Anyway i think better end my blogging here... keep updated soon... No worries...
My big day was coming soon in Next year... Although it was just a ROM... however, i am doing some research on the venue to held.. alot of things to prepare le.. Haiz...
So Jie mei meng, i might nid some of you guys help to advise wor...
Some updates about my job... currently my recruitment was quite successful and i have 2 tu di under me... haha... Both of them was doing well, however, sometime do give me some headache also.. Perhap this is the retribution ba... cos i used to do this to James too... Haha...
Anyway i think better end my blogging here... keep updated soon... No worries...
April 20, 2009
Chapter April 2009
All Gals, been such a long time since i last blog.. Haha... Been getting on busy with my work... Life isnt getting any simple or easy for me as I been busy doing my recruitment, training and getting on my services on my clients..
Things isnt getting more easy between my another half and me.. Recently we are more and more tense up.. we always argue due to our work... Haiz... Maybe is true that both couples shouldnt work together... Is time to do some sacrifice to do some resolve in our relationship?? Or must get used to the conflict between couples while working together? i understand, he is stress, but so do i.. although i didnt say it out, but i am also very stress.. i also want both of us to have a good life in the future..
In Feb, we went to Taiwan, together with Sze and Eddie... The trip indeed is fun and we do enjoy ourself there.. regardless of the Food, weather (especially is the nicest, not like Singapore so Hot), Pretty Babes and also alot of Shopping Items... :P attached photos below for all of you to view... Although the trips is rather short, however, it is meaningful.. we spend quite a reasonable sum of money over there... I really like the service over there.. Unlike Singapore, i think we Singaporean must really learn about it.. Is really a good attitude all Sales executive should have..
Now is already April, and by next week, i will be going to Malaysia for Training... Dont miss me yeah... haha... This month end, our agency will be having a trip to Taiwan, but i dont think i can qualify for that.. didnt manage to work hard for this month... Anyway nvm, regardless of trip or money, i shall work hard for this year.. and will be able to clear my Perth trip next year.. In yr 2010, will i be Mrs Law? or will there be any changing in plan? Till now i cant confirm yet... especially in the situation now..

Things isnt getting more easy between my another half and me.. Recently we are more and more tense up.. we always argue due to our work... Haiz... Maybe is true that both couples shouldnt work together... Is time to do some sacrifice to do some resolve in our relationship?? Or must get used to the conflict between couples while working together? i understand, he is stress, but so do i.. although i didnt say it out, but i am also very stress.. i also want both of us to have a good life in the future..
In Feb, we went to Taiwan, together with Sze and Eddie... The trip indeed is fun and we do enjoy ourself there.. regardless of the Food, weather (especially is the nicest, not like Singapore so Hot), Pretty Babes and also alot of Shopping Items... :P attached photos below for all of you to view... Although the trips is rather short, however, it is meaningful.. we spend quite a reasonable sum of money over there... I really like the service over there.. Unlike Singapore, i think we Singaporean must really learn about it.. Is really a good attitude all Sales executive should have..
Now is already April, and by next week, i will be going to Malaysia for Training... Dont miss me yeah... haha... This month end, our agency will be having a trip to Taiwan, but i dont think i can qualify for that.. didnt manage to work hard for this month... Anyway nvm, regardless of trip or money, i shall work hard for this year.. and will be able to clear my Perth trip next year.. In yr 2010, will i be Mrs Law? or will there be any changing in plan? Till now i cant confirm yet... especially in the situation now..
January 26, 2009
Chapter Jan 2 2009
Today is the 1st day of the Ox year... Therefore wanna wish all of you a Happy Niu year... May working frenz, Bu Bu Gao Sheng, Schooling Frenz, Xue Ye jin Bu... Still surprised that i am still up at this hour?? Actually i am sleepy le... Have done some house cleaning this noon... SO tired...
Today my Reunion Dinner is done at one of the coffee shop near my Aunt's house... Haix.. is kinda unlucky, the last day of Rat year, caused me to have a fall and injuried myself... Now my leg gt scar le... then wear short dress not nice le.. :C After the dinner, my Dear come and fetch us home... As usual, my dad (say himself is sick, still can go out after the Dinner, to meet his So Call Frenz la...) then my sister, Dear n I went down to the Crowded Chinatown... In deed, the Economic recession can somehow feel that people spending power is already lessen, they will only buy what they need and not what they want... :P
Before the Rat year end, another Bomb ignite is i only discover On Fri, that my Car Insurance hasnt been paid up yet... And now the Money i entrust to the Car Dealer Company, have faced some Cashflow problem... I was told that one of the partner in this biz, have forged and withdraw all the Money out, now the Company only left with Empty Shell... Hence, i cant get my Money back now, and i got to fork out extra amount to take up another Car insurance, (it is an offence not to have a Motor insurance if you decide to drive on the road)And i have done it for 3 months, if really being caught i gotta fine dunnoe how much.. Although Money can settle this problem... is just that how many Parrell import Company will have this Problem, and how many Drivers is out there without knowing they are not covered under the insurance... Please pals, next time do rmb to look out for this shop, Japz Stars, dun ever take up their service, as it is really a very Bad experience for me...
Anyway nvm now is a brand new year for all of us... May it be good and a year filled with hopes... Furthermore do hope that the world is indeed in peace... May dreams and hope come true... Cheers...
Today my Reunion Dinner is done at one of the coffee shop near my Aunt's house... Haix.. is kinda unlucky, the last day of Rat year, caused me to have a fall and injuried myself... Now my leg gt scar le... then wear short dress not nice le.. :C After the dinner, my Dear come and fetch us home... As usual, my dad (say himself is sick, still can go out after the Dinner, to meet his So Call Frenz la...) then my sister, Dear n I went down to the Crowded Chinatown... In deed, the Economic recession can somehow feel that people spending power is already lessen, they will only buy what they need and not what they want... :P
Before the Rat year end, another Bomb ignite is i only discover On Fri, that my Car Insurance hasnt been paid up yet... And now the Money i entrust to the Car Dealer Company, have faced some Cashflow problem... I was told that one of the partner in this biz, have forged and withdraw all the Money out, now the Company only left with Empty Shell... Hence, i cant get my Money back now, and i got to fork out extra amount to take up another Car insurance, (it is an offence not to have a Motor insurance if you decide to drive on the road)And i have done it for 3 months, if really being caught i gotta fine dunnoe how much.. Although Money can settle this problem... is just that how many Parrell import Company will have this Problem, and how many Drivers is out there without knowing they are not covered under the insurance... Please pals, next time do rmb to look out for this shop, Japz Stars, dun ever take up their service, as it is really a very Bad experience for me...
Anyway nvm now is a brand new year for all of us... May it be good and a year filled with hopes... Furthermore do hope that the world is indeed in peace... May dreams and hope come true... Cheers...
January 15, 2009
Chapter Jan 1 2009
Congrats Everyone... NOW we have enter into another brand new Year of 2009... Hope Everyone is doing fine so far for this Starts Year... To being, just some updates of my wellbeing recently... After the end year of 2008, i haven been stop working so far... Just to inform is that i have stretch out enough to achieve my 1st Quality Club.. Yippee.. So happy... Right now, i am running for my another award, Star Club... Besides, i also busy doing my recruitment as i am currently a ADO now...
Yesterday, i just got into an arguement with My Dear... He say he is very disappointed with me as i am being quite lazy and not pay attention to my image wise... Haix... That's why i feel so obligated that if in order to be a Management, i have to pay attention to my Dressing?? And in this case, i cant wear sloopy... Hehe... Anyway i also do know that James and him is helping me in turn of my Career... Somehow or rather, am i really fit in Guiding or Coaching PPL?
Times really passes very Fast, My FITY have been with us for 2 months le... So far my Dear's driving skill have generally improved... Haha... But as usual hope he can improve his memory of Road direction... :p
End of the blogging of this entry... Therefore wanna wish you Gals, Happy Brand Niu Year... And Best wishes to you... And getting more bonuses and promotion...
Yesterday, i just got into an arguement with My Dear... He say he is very disappointed with me as i am being quite lazy and not pay attention to my image wise... Haix... That's why i feel so obligated that if in order to be a Management, i have to pay attention to my Dressing?? And in this case, i cant wear sloopy... Hehe... Anyway i also do know that James and him is helping me in turn of my Career... Somehow or rather, am i really fit in Guiding or Coaching PPL?
Times really passes very Fast, My FITY have been with us for 2 months le... So far my Dear's driving skill have generally improved... Haha... But as usual hope he can improve his memory of Road direction... :p
End of the blogging of this entry... Therefore wanna wish you Gals, Happy Brand Niu Year... And Best wishes to you... And getting more bonuses and promotion...
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