
December 11, 2011

Already Famous

Last Sunday I went to watch a movie with My Hubby, finally after a long time. That show that we watch is Already Famous, a show directed and written by Michelle Chong. Is a show acted by Xiao Gui and Michelle Chong.

A very comdey show which is also quite meaningful. As it describe that we should never give up our Dream. What ever we wants to do, just put in your hearts to do when you are young. No matter the outcome is what, as long as you did your best. No matter what your dreams are, whether is it to be a Actress, Singer, or even a Doctor. Just do your best to fulfill them.

Below are some clips of this show,

Although I am not a Michelle Chong's fan, but i think she is really very talented.. May she produce more good movie in the future. Let's support Local Show often.. ;>