
December 16, 2006

Life Really Sucks!!!!

Back In Bloggin again le.. Recently kinda busy sia... Rushing for my year end quota.. Still short of about 30k Production... Life in this line isnt easy as what i think...Is kinda lonely as most of ur frenz kwn that u r in this line they will siam u... even though ur colleague might nt be ur truthful frenz.. Luckily, Sze and Vien all along the way give me morale support la.. Feel kinda bad as i really got no time to spend with them.. Especially Sze... Luckily rite nw she gt her close frenz to Pei her le.. so Nid or dun Nid me also nt a matter to her le.. lolx... How i wish to find a Bf ASAP wor.. Sound Kinda Despo sia.. lolx...

Recently out alot of Goodies Movie... but i just got no time to watch.. furthermore.. there isnt anyone available to watch movie with me... Haiz.. So lonely sia... How i hope i can back to the past whereby can watch movie with Sze.. Er and Vien they all.. After so many things had happen... realised that all of us had change frm a Young Girl to a kinda mature Lady... lolx... So BHB hor!!! Each of us have individual things to work for and individual person to spend time with... As for me i only got time to spend in library to write this blog while waiting for my client to reach.. Sad Sia...

Dec to most of the ppl out there is a month whereby white season coming... As Christmas and after this Brand New Year of 2007 will arrive... however, Dec to me is a rather stressful and unlucky month... Kanna say by ppl de Ex gf as 3rd party... asked me nt to pester her boyfrenz.. but common lah.. the guy dun wan u le still got the cheek to say me who ask u dun have the ability to make him stay by urside..and plus i kwn him only after u 2 break off le k.. and he's the one who messed up with me de... Even though i like him.. yet i also kwn that decision still lies with him.. he wanna patch or be with me or stay single is still up to him to decise nt u or me.. hope u really understand this... another unhappy events is regardin about my work stuff... gotta complain by one of my client stating that i cheated him... WTF sia.. nt happy with me why dun directly say to me instead wrote letter to company to complain? so Small Gas de.. dun even give me a chance to explain wor.. haix.. Doctor only ma.. so big deal meh... 10k can kill ppl le ar? simply dun understand why ppl behave like that...

Really hope that all this unhappy events can over faster... i wanna have a happy feelin to welcome my 2007... hehe... Dunnoe what events will happen to me during next year...Let's all work hard together to build a better 2007... Yipee...

September 17, 2006


This Month is an interesting month for me as i have juz turned 22 this yr... haix.. getting older le wor... the celebration for this yr is kinda simple and low profile.. and i found out something as my pals are not as caring as b4 le.. perhaps i am over reacting.. is juz a feelin lo...

He juz broke up with his girl frenz le.. and i dont kwn whether to be overjoy or sad for him... Overjoy is because i might stand a chance to be wif him, sad is because pity him as he couldnt get the love he wanted... I hated him as he lied to me he's nt attached and create a false feeling that he and me can be together... I pity him as he couldnt even tell the difference between like as a frenz and lover... he told me b4 that he is kinda happy when he's with me... and he enjoy the moment he spend together... and he also did told me b4 that he wont let me be his passerby.. and he doesnt want to treat me as his past exs.. Wtf sia.. i really simply dunno wat i shld do nw... getting so confuse.. On 9th Sep, we spend half of the day together as is both of ours birthdae... So Qiao rite? that was the first time after we 1 month nv meet up le.. Sound like we r patohing rite? hehe... actualli b4 anything happen both of us can consider meet up every 2 a week... but till now everythin tend to be different le... How i hope the time can freeze and everything back to the same... That day consider kinda happy for me but only b4 i argue wif my best fren... and she said something which hurtz me alot..

Back to the happy stuff... On that day was also my audition day for the Superstar Contest... Haix.. but is a pity as i didnt manage to get to the 2nd round... haha... too bad as my singing.. they commented was too soft and my vocal was nt strong enough... maybe after i go for vocal training first then join again next yr ba.. keke.. Btw i am going to Thailand at the end of the month.. So excited wor.. Yipee... Can start a small biz le by taking stocks frm there and sold as consignment to the vendor downstair... Yea... Cool Man Rite? Aniwae i think i better stop here.. and continue to update the news regarding abt my biz.. Hope this time round wont be in the library again le.. haha!!!!

August 19, 2006

A lonely dae for me..

yo pals.. guess what? i am now in national library alone using the muti media to update my blog again? hehe.. sorry to take such a long time to update once... hope u all wont be pissed off ba... since the last entry till now is already 2 months le ba... i wonder how's u gals gettin on now?

As usual i am busily doing roadshow and making appointment... but of cos i do have time to catch up wif Vien, Sze and some of my gd pals.. hehe... recently one of my partner has left my company.. and left me alone in the company to die.. i found it abit pity as we have develop a Mo Qi to tag team... perhap is time for me to be more independent le ba... as her Manulife's manager is rite... we got to learn how to fly on our own.. we cant depend on each other too much...

These 2 months got alot of things happen in my circle of frenz.. Below are some of the messages whereby i wish to tell my frenz...

To vien: "i know that u still like Ray rite? why nt give yourself and him a chance to prove that there's true love exist.. dun give up so easily la.. unless u tell me that he dun deserve ur love then in that case i gt no comment le... of cos i still hope u to be happy la.. dun end up like me getting yourself hurtz.. no matter in relations or one sided love..."

To Shin: " Long distant relationship is always veri Ke lian... Juz treat this as a test for your relationship... Girl trust me.. if both of u survive thru this 3/4 yrs... i can bet that both of u will have a happy ending... so dun be sad la.. u still gt us ma... "

To Sze: "Dun always treat ppl for granted la... if a person treat u well.. sometime also muz treat him/her good ma... hehe... u shld kwn wat am i talking abt ba.. i dun mean anything wor...of cos all the best tio ur studies..."

To Myself: "dun be so stupid in outting all ur minds and feelin towards that idiot guy... he 's such an idiot guy... anyway he's too good for u le... dun expect to get any return from him as his surrounding muz be alot of girls de la... so wat 4 waste ur time and youth on him... Beside he's still a young chap... of cos will find someone who is more compatible wif him ma.. u le.. juz a normal girl who is fat and ugly... better wake up la.. go concentrate on ur career la.. Money wont run away if u earn them... Guys will run away and dump u like rubbish... So wat 4 keep guy? Keep $$$ better...

For your information... That idiot guy refer to Shawn Poh Ting Feng... He's the guy whom i kwn frm IMM de...the 1st impression he gave me... is tt he resemble Sky ( a guy who i like alot in the past).. of cos he's taller than him and fatter than him abit.. hehe... generally i started to msg him after my last day roadshow at IMM on the 2nd of July... (cool man... i still can rmb the date)... and we started to meet up on the 3rd of july.. he came and find me for dinner... and on the 4th of july also the same... our third outing was on the 9th of july.. we went for a movie with his frenz.. and tt was the 1st time we hold hands.. ermm dun be mistaken we are still nt a couple yet wor.. until now we are still frenz onli... even though he say he treat me as more than normal frenz..(Hao Peng You).. He say he doesn wan to treat me as a play play Gf... if he wanna start a relationship in the future he wans a serious one... he say he wanna kwn me more b4 we commit in a relationship...And he also say tt he nv anyhow hold other ppl's... and he also dunno why he juz feel like holding my hand and dun wish to let go... (I realli dunno whether to believe nt le!!!)

Haix.. But com on la.. where gt every couple kwn each other veri well already then start a relation de? every one start off wif good feelin then throughout the days then can kwn each other de true face ma... Perhap this is an excuse for him to reject me.. and i kwn recently his exam is comin and i can understand the kind of stress he's facing with nw... tt's why i decided to give him up and leave him alone.. plan to throw the feelin away and let us remain as frenz forever ba... mayb this is a better way out for me...

June 12, 2006

I'm Back

Haix.. being such a long time tt i nv write my blog le. due to my stupid computer lo... break dwn again... juz repair it nt long ago... juz after CHINESE NEW YEAR and nw is spoilt again. Dunno is it a sign to ask me change a new PC or purposely dont want me to use... Recently busy with my work due to roadshows... haha but hw cum will i be here updating my blog le? hehe.. Cos i am eating snake here @ the library using their multi media com.. lolx..

frankly speakin i realli doesnt kwn wat to write nw as my mind is in a complete blank.. and most of my brain cell are filled with works and play.. haha.. juz to let those friends who are abroad nw.. that i am still single.. which i think are suitable for me nw as i really very carefree nw and dun hope to have myself commited in a relationship... even though i do have guys whu i like.. simply dunno who can i trust and rely on... i do kwn that gt 2 guys who are caring towards me and they do shower me with love and concern... 1 of them is the one i like (lolx).. sometime it really puzzle me cause i really dunno wat's the feelin of liking somebody and fallin in love with somebody... all the guys to me are either friends or fling... hehe.. is this a good or a bad thing?

tell u guys something... i have an idea which is to start a small small biz for kiddy's rides... whereby i have some Lobang from 1 of my client... and i planned to let my father to take care of the stall for me... and this stall will be located at East Coast Park (ECP)... lolx... wow but of cos this plan got to take time la.. have to plan it carefully.. Generaly hope this BIZ plan will be a success.. Me and Sze will be the shareholder of the BIZ... hehe... by end of this year, hope the plan will work..

Before i end... juz wanna ask those friends who are abroad to take care and rmb wor to leave a tag for me at least let me kwn tt u come and view my page b4 ma.. hehe... Last but not least... miss u guys and i think me better got back to work le.. haha...

April 09, 2006

I am back again in Blogging... Monday i juz attended the Prudential No.1 Bash party.. hehe.. Is a kind of celebration my company organise as we take over AIA last yr, 2005 as Number 1.. lolx... so Happy wor.. took alot of Picture on that day... so Zhi Lian hor me.. haha... i had a great night that dae...

Haix.. i failed my HI exam again yesterdae.. Wow this is the 4th time i failed again wor... sad sad.. dunnoe wat happen to my study wor... maybe i really gt a problem understanding the question ba.. Or is it i am fated not to be an adviser? haix... so demoralised le me... Beside this my production doesnt realli seem to be coming in le... all is like future cases de wor... haix.. i think i really nid to go and find more cases le.. arbo i cant fulfilled my target as a Premier Adviser le... OMG who can help me? Feelin so stress up and tense up wor.. Shld i really give up on this target? and onli aim for a Starclub?

I really think i like a guy call J now? haix.. hw? we two doesnt realli kwn each other veri well.. and instead we onli communicate thru sms... which causes my msg bombarde this month... lolx... juz feel veri funni cos gt such feelin once i msg him i cant control wor.. he also have the same kind of feelin... perhap this is fated ba... lolx... or is this juz an crush? in the previous post i did mention tt i like a guy in my agency gt gf le rite? now he and tt girl break up le.. funni dnno due to wat reason wor.. maybe he 's juz as wat my frenz say ba... a flirt guy whu tend to like alot of girls de.. Who on the earth can tell me tt there's a gd guy out there? sob sob...

Enough of my long winded entry le wor... me gotta end here le.. and go watch my da chang jin le... hehe...

April 03, 2006

So long nv update my entry le... life as usual for me is busy lo... everydae going for appointment and everydae going for roadshow... last whole week i was having roadshow at Hougang... didnt manage to close any cases.. sad sia... me veri slow in my production dunno wat 's happening to me le... isit because i am nt hardworking enough? or is it my skill nt enough? gettin more and more anxious abt my income wor... cuming in kinda slow wor... if this carries on.. i really wonder i have to eat grass le wor... he he... So frm this week onwards i must be veri hardworkin... to close mani cases as possible...

for me love life for me is getting more and moe interesting wor... i think i am in love wif a guy wor... and moreover he turn out to be my prospect le... aniwae i think me and him is impossible de ba... i cant turn him to be my client le... cos he seem to be contented wif watever he has.. realli wonder how can a person have enough wif onli one type of policy which is life insurance? the sum assured is nt even 50k.. realli puzzled me off as why ppl intead of buying insurance and they tend to buy watever they dun nid? haix...

Sometimes i really wonder when can i find my potential bf? hw come some of my frenz can find one so easily whereas me i cant? to me nw i think i nid someone who can be my companion ba.. and no nid commitment de... haha... juz a guy who can share my happiness and worries... hehe... I think i better stop bloggin here...

March 15, 2006

yo man... i am back in bloggin again after so mani days have passed... Life for me these few days is gettin nt bad.. but then haven realli close any much cases yet.. when on earth can i reach my Premeir adviser? Wow where on earth i can get my 250 k? haix.. Do i realli have the ability to do it ma? i realli nw doubting myself... Even though is realli the belief i have in myself...

I finally clear the misunderstandin i had wif my frenz le... hehe... U kwn wat my ex and his gf had break up le... reason for their break off is because tt girl patch up wif her ex... wow sound complicated wor... anyway he is gettin fine nw... even though he say he wanna commit sucide.. in the end also dun have the courage to die ba... realli Happi that Sky had found a new gf after so long of searchin... hope he can really treasure this girl of his... dun let tt girl heart broken again... wow getting more and more naggy le me.. when on earth can i stop the naggy character?

U kwn i am in love wif sumone le wor... haix.. but i kwn me and him is impossible de cos he wont like me de.. He shld like another frenz of mine...cos he veri close wif her... He is frm my agency de but his manager and my manager is like enemies lo... hehe... dun kwn wat really happen between them.. My frenz kwn whu he likes but she dun tell me whu's tt girl... aniwae muz be sumone veri outstandin de... pretty plus gt inner beauty... I think i better stp here le.. or else i will get more and more naggy le.. lolx..

February 27, 2006

Friends meant wat to me now? i really dun really know le... At first tot ur best frenz shld be those types who support u no matter wat instead of pouring u cold water or ask u nt to pester them? Sumtime i really dun understand why some ppl like to misunderstand my intention? Is it because i cant really express myself well or is it because whoever i treat them as gd frenz in the past was actually onli my own wishful idea to treat them as gd frenz? haha sumtime find myself kinda funny wor cos juz find myself like a clown or shld say an empty shell without a soul... lolx...perhap io shld really let myself isolated for a while and concentrate with my career path...

recently gettin veri irritated or shld say veri lack of confidence le... cos even my close frenz asked me nt to pester her? haix... i of cos gt my reason to ask her sister to invest but she nv even give me any chance to explain... If her sister nv do investment... her cpf account will definately be wipe out de to pay 4 her house loan.. and her future salary deduction will used to pay directly to the loan... so onli after she pay all her loan le then her account will start accumulate... And wat if she was out of job one day b4 her loan was clear? she gt to pay by cash le... That is why i asked her to do investment wif me so at least some of her money was in the investment and will nt be wipe out... But my this intention she simply dun get it... maybe to them i only eye for their money ba... Common la.. even if they do investment... i also dun get much Commision out of tt...

Perhap life nw for me is onli working.. workin... and of cos continue wif my tuition assignment lo.. haiz... my relationship nw also veri empty wor.. still waiting for the right guy to appear... who will tt guy be? aniwae i shall write my blog till here...

February 18, 2006

Todae is another sad day for me as i failed my HI test again le.. Haix.. Why everytime i need to take 3 times then i can pass? Hope by next week i can pass the Hi test arbo i realli cant sell any Health Insurance by next week Roadshow....

So far break up with him is already one week le... although is juz one week gone, but He already gt himself a new gf le... Haha... I really veri surprised to know this as he told me tt... @ first tot can be back with him again and yet now i really no need to think of tt le.. haha... Perhap this is better for me and him ba... Cos no matter wat maybe they are both compatible with each other as Malay Shld goes with Malay... Is nt because i look dwn on Malay but is juz tt there's realli alot of problems occur between us... Although now i kwn is my fault for nt committing to him.. Maybe this causes him to be disappointed wif me and tired of our arguement le... Now juz hope that he can be happy wif this current gf he had... And i am really Sorry for watever i did b4 to cause him to lost the feelin he had for me... No matter wat... I really nv regret to be his gf b4 and hope he can stay as Happy as whu i kwn him... The disturbing guy @ Power Seraya...

And for the time being.. what i wanna do now is to pursue my career and of cos relation got to leave to fate ba... lolx... And ya to Alvin and to Weiqiang... really veri Happy for u all to be so supportive.. and of cos to all my frenz, dun worry i am okay now.. cant always look backward but muz pursue wat is in the future..

February 13, 2006

after so long nv update my blog since last month... recently alot of things happen... haix.. ever since when he worked at River Ang Bao... the attitude he gave me has been change... Haix.. And till now i have break up wif him le... Even though i dun wish to... but perhap break up is the best resolution for me and him ba... sad sad... Why must he treat me like tt? He say tt he cant stand me anymore le... Plus he doesnt have tt kind of special feelin 4 me anymore... Why Muz this happen.. when i started to commit to him and yet he wanna break up wif me... Do i really too slow? Sometimes i really wonder do we still have a chance to get back together? I really like him alot now... and i am kinda nt used to the life without ppl to tease me and control me...

I really long him back again... but of cos this might be impossible cos perhap he really hate me to core le ba... haix... Wat can i do to gain his forgiveness? and Wat can i do to let him fall in love wif me again? No matter wat i really will change myself as long as he back to my life again... Really Miss him wor...

Life now without him of cos is empty.. but then my career nw is starting to build up... which in the sense is good..Without him ard me is juz like an empty shell without a soul..Last Sat i juz close a case which is yearly Premium de.. So Happi Wor... lolx.. Even though Happi but tml is an empty day wor.. initially tot can spend the day with him and yet in the end i still have to spend tt dae alone...

I think i better blog till here arbo i will be writing never ending le... Nite nite to u all Plus Happy Valentine Dae...

January 30, 2006

Happy Chinese New Year to Everyone... Todae is the 2nd day of the Chinese New Year.. wow so fast one brand new year have come..... Recently busi doing house cleaning...

This new year to me is nothin special as this year my Ang Bao collection is so little till so pathetic... haix... beside this new year i had been kinda unhappy as my bf had been veri cold towards me... sad sad.. dunnoe what had happen to him.. Does he found a new gf? or did i do anything wrong to make him angry or make him feel disappointed in me? i really found out that i had been veri in Love wif him wor.. how? is this a good thing? cos i believe that if we both party are serious with each other... we gotta face alot of problems together and had to face them together... and not ignoring each other or trying to torture each other... Perhap this time my Chinese New Year will be the break up day for me and him.. but of cos i dun wish to la.. as i really wanna spend my Valentine Days with him...

Anyway Pals.. thanks for spending the time readin my Blog... and All the best to u in the brand New Year... Miss ya Pals..

January 21, 2006

Another cold day again as today have rained for almost half a day... Today is another sick day for me... Haix... feelin kinda empty as my bf cant stay wif me when i'm sick.. sob.. sob cos he need to work sia... Recently keep on have quarrel with him... sad sad... cos he always unhappy wif me when i nv msg him no matter when i reach hm... beside he kinda unhappy when i go out wif guys alone too... wat to do? last wednesday i went to MOS.. the pub is very big... and gt alot of ang Mos... hahah..frankly i think i really in love wif him le.. and i realy hope to undergo a serious relationship wif him... But i kwns if we realli be together we sure face alot of problems de.. cos both parents objected us.. Haix...

Beside that i really cant stand him being so xiao qi juz like a small kid like tt.. nid me to coax him and sayang him like tt... ermm feelin so useless sia..hw cum i always make him unahppy? and why shld we always quarrel over such little stuff... anyway me will blog till the end of here... Saddish..

January 16, 2006

Dear all reader... i am finally back in Blogging again... so many weeks have passed and i have experience kinda alot of things le... On the 9th of Jan, I have finally passed my 4th time attempt of M9... OMG i really veri lousy as i require so many times to pass my test... Haix... And on the 11th Jan, I attended the Agency Event of GNK organisation in the Morning... through this event i get to kwn alot of ppl le... haha.... and most of them are veri chatty especially my Shi Xiong.. Chen Han Wei... haha... he treated me quite good and like to suan me de... haha... but of cos i kwn tt watever he say is good for me la... but then he's really kinda cute and good lookin wor...hey Vivian wat are u thinkin abt nw? haha u are nw attached de wor.. cannot be so flirt le... lolx...

Talking about this i am kinda worried abt when i am totally into this line, i couldnt afford the time out to meet my Bf le... tt's why he dun really veri supportive to my career.. sob sob... he scare tt i get veri close wif other guys and being eat Toufu... haha.. beside this he also worried abt i might change into a materialistic girl... but i am here to tell him tt i wont lo... if i will in the 1st place i wont choose to be wif him le... rite? Frankly who will kwn wat will happen in the future... i might found a better guy than him... lolx... To me i really Happy to have him by my side... even though we are of different races but then he treated me quite good wor... kinda possessive lo... but he's the only bf i had who really care for me...and i noe in his heart i do stay a part...

January 05, 2006

wow i'm finally back in blogging after my last entry in 24th of Dec (Christmas Eve)... And this is my 1st entry in the brand new 2006 yr... everythin to me now is a brand New start for me... lolx.. A New Rotting Life.. Before i Start My Insurance Line Gotta Charge more energy le then can worked harder ma.. Crap Rite? on the 3rd day of The new Yr.. I flung My M9 exam again for the 3rd time... wow Kaoz rite? Juz simply dun understand why i Keep on Failin... Feelin kinda bad as I am Wasting James' $$$... Hereby say Sorry to U James... I am Not Gu yI de... perhap i'm juz too poor in the theory part.. But Dun worry i will try my very very Best In the Next round (4th Time) on the 9th Of Jan... Next coming Monday... So excited and Anxious..

Life For me So Far is Not Bad... Only simply dun understand Why Alvin get so pissed off when i nv reply his Sms... But Come On La.. sometime i'm juz too busy so forgotten to reply... anything wrong with tt? But then If he gt any serious or Important stuff nid to tell me.. Why Cant He call me instead of Flooding My Msg and Scold All those ad Words? As IF i really did somthing wrong like tt... And Ya for Alvin if u get to read this... Please La... For Yuwei And Sky they wont flood my msg like tt de lo... and if i nv reply their msg they also wont scold me bad words de... So childish stuff u also can do... How u kwn wat ever msg they msg me i will reply le? Pls la... If i realli dam Busy Even My best Frenz msg i also nv reply de wor.. And y they can understand and nt u le? Ps: Not All Ppl Are like u so free de wor... I gt my Stuff to do... Sorry to say tt... cos u really get me off my nerves le.. Nv ever came across any ppl so childish like u.... Ppl good intention u treat it as if i am going to harm u... forget to tell u I am now attach le.. But my boyfrenz is neither Yuwei Or Sky... the reason why i nv choose u to be my boyfrenz cos u realli freak me Out... Actualli tot Of giving Us a chance de But then u spoilt the chance le as i now then kwn ur true identity... And Hope u can realli change ur attitude lo.. Perhap Ur Ex left u is Because of Ur possessiveness...Understand...

Aniwae Hope Everything Goes Well For u and For me too... Wish u all the best in the brand 2006 yr... And also to all my pals out there.. A HAPPY 2006 TO U... GOD BLESS...