
February 04, 2005

time dun wait

wow yet another day passes... sometime come to think time really dun wait for ppl... once u lost something... it hard to get it back... no matter wat u do the best thing is dun let urself to be regret... i rmb a few weeks ago, i have some misunderstanding wif my frenz cos she say i am the thired party between her and her boy frenz... but somehw or rather she already broke up wif him le... so there's anything wrong to go out wif him as frenz right? dun tell me guys and gals cant be frenz onli apart frm BGR stuff? perhap to some ppl it is easier but to some ppl they find it hard to treat their loved one as frenz... cos they are scare tt they will fall even deeper... to me i think as long as the one you loved is happy, i'm contented le no matter hw they hurt u, u will still stand by their side...

i'm very tired this whole week... dunno why le just cant get good rest nowadays... keep on tossing and turning ard in my bed... wat happen to me gosh.... just hope tt i can really think through and dun be so stressup in my work... but kinda happy le.. cos now my colleague tend to be more open to me le... and those uncles accept me as their colleague le... so happy at least i nv let my engineer dwn who always support me there... so honour to know him...

haiz... tml is another day gone le... wow weekend ten to pass faster than weekday hor... and ya valentine is cuming le.. dunno gt wat events cuming up le... ha ha.... just hope that this yr ang bao can collect as much as possible.. he he.... HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE...